When you suffer from allergies, you often try to limit your contact with the outdoors – pollen can be a nightmare for some folks! But did you know that the quality of your indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than even the worst outdoor air? According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is one of the top five environmental dangers, and if you have allergies, the problem is compounded. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to clear the air and breathe easier.
Fighting Indoor Allergies
One of the most effective ways to control allergies is to start right in your own home. While pollen is a common trigger outdoors, dust mites, pet dander, certain pests (e.g. cockroaches), and tracked-in pollen can wreak havoc indoors.
Allergens can be found throughout your home (and, of course, on your pets and their toys/bedding). Some common areas:
- Carpet
- Soft furniture
- Stuffed toys
- Damp areas
- Indoor plants
- Mattresses
- Pillows/bedding
- Some houseplants (e.g. bonsai, fern, African violet, chrysanthemum, peace lily, many palms varieties, weeping fig, marigold, and orchid)
- Moist areas

To control indoor allergies:
- Control the dust. The less clutter you have, the fewer places dust and dust mites have to take over. Dusting bothers many people with allergies and asthma, so make sure to keep all surfaces clean with a damp cloth or one treated with polish. You may also want to use a mask while cleaning.
- Consider your flooring. While many carpets are less prone to trap allergens today, it can still be a significant source of irritation. Low-pile and throw rugs are better than more plush and/or wall-to-wall carpets, but bare floors are preferable, especially in your bedroom.
- Replace heavy drapes with blinds, shades, or lighter curtains that are washable.
- Put allergen-resistant covers on your pillows, mattress, and box spring. Make sure they are zippered. This will give you an effective method for controlling dust mites.
- Wash your bedding in hot water each week and dry on hot. Line-drying items can introduce more allergens.
- Vacuum at least once or twice a week – more if you have pets and/or children. Make sure your vacuum is certified as asthma and allergy-friendly, so it does not put dust back into the air.
- If you do not have pets, it may be best that you don’t add to your family. There is not really any “hypoallergenic” pet as they all shed skin cells. If you do have pets, keep them out of your bedroom. Wash their bedding and toys often.
- Change the filters in your air conditioning unit and heating system regularly. Typically, you should do so every 3 months, but if you have allergies, make it more frequent.
- Use dehumidifiers in areas that are prone to moisture, including the bathroom and basement.
- Make sure you have an exhaust fan in the bathroom and kitchen that vents outside.
- Fix leaks as soon as you can.
- Be careful about the cleaning products you use. Some of these can trigger reactions. Natural is best!
- Get a helping hand to clean. House cleaning often aggravates allergy symptoms; if you have difficulty, do not hesitate to contact Asheville Cleaning Company. Our team is thoroughly trained, uses safe, effective cleaners and equipment, and ensures you have a deep clean that helps you control allergies.
Check out some of our other pages, such as How to Deep Clean Your House for Autumn, for more pro tips on keeping your sanctuary clean. You can’t always control allergens that attack outside your doors, but with these simple steps and some assistance from Asheville Cleaning, you can breathe easier in your home.