6 Reasons You Should Declutter Before The Holidays

Let face it, everyone has been through a period of collecting things over time that become clutter. If your house is feeling claustrophobic from things piling up, it may be time to go through your things and get rid of any unnecessary items. When holidays are approaching, that means family and friends are coming to gather. You want your house to look at its best if you plan on hosting a holiday party or inviting family over for dinner. Decluttering your home before the holidays will ease the stress and anxiety so you can focus more on getting ready for the holidays. 

6 Reasons You Should Declutter Before the Holidays

1) More Space

Having a large amount of clutter in your home can be physically and mentally exhausting. This is especially when working from home because it is tough to stay organized and on task when piles of stuff surround your work area. If you are living with too many things, you feel pressured about cleaning it up instead of focusing on other things. If you decide to let it be, you may feel guilt which can become distracting from doing your daily tasks. Either way, cleaning up your home will have it feeling more spacious and organized. You will feel more relieved and are able to focus on enjoying your holidays. When beginning to clean, follow this rule: keep what you love, keep what you use, get rid of things that haven’t been used. 

2) Appreciate What You Have

If you are more selective about the things you like to have, you will choose more wisely. Appreciate what you have instead of wanting to go out and find more similar things. If you stop looking for more things, you could save more money and spend more quality time with family during the holidays. If you have items that you don’t use, try to find a way to reinvent their usage instead of going out and buying new items.

3) Easier to Manage

If you are planning on hosting a holiday gathering and get overwhelmed by the clutter that you have to clean and find places for, it may distract you from focusing on getting ready for the gathering. A decluttered home is so much easier to look after and maintain. If there is less stuff then it’s quicker to clean everything. Less time looking after your home can result in having more time and fun to do other things. You can make it quicker and easier to look after your home if you incorporate simple cleaning routines that keep your home tidy. 

4) Save Money

Like mentioned before, if you discipline yourself to not buy new things and appreciate what you already own, you can save money and save yourself from clutter. Another reason how you can save money is buying fewer storage bins, not needing to pay for a storage unit, and you won’t need to buy new items to replace misplaces.

5) Make Money

You can also make money by decluttering your closet. The internet lets you sell unwanted clothing, household items, and collectors’ items that you no longer collect. Once you have sold your unwanted items, use the extra cash to go on a holiday trip or a night out.

6) Important for Self-Care

Clutter can hold you back from relocating to a new home because of the stress and cost it comes with transporting tons of stuff. If you are not planning to move, owning less stuff can make your home feel less overwhelming and more relaxing. You will feel mentally better and not afraid to invite friends and family over especially during the holidays. You can redecorate a room with holiday decor, rearrange furniture and have a place for a Christmas tree, and are able to hire a cleaning service. 

Asheville Cleaning Company Holiday Cleaning

If you are looking for cleaning services after decluttering your home, the team at Asheville Cleaning Company has years of cleaning experience and is dedicated to commercial and residential cleaning with earth-friendly practices, non-toxic cleaning. We have been a small local business since 2012 and will always make sure that all client’s standards are met when you hire for cleaning homes. If you are interested in our cleaning services in the Asheville area, please contact us for more details.