Is Professional Cleaning Worth the Cost?

The past year was challenging for many residents of western North Carolina. Throughout the area, people had to figure out how to work remotely while also facilitating learning from home with their children. Meanwhile, many businesses were closed, and indoor gatherings discouraged. Even if you have managed to remain totally healthy, there is no doubt you experience disruptions from normal life. Many of those disruptions have probably led to you and your family spending more time at home than ever. Asheville is known for access to natural wonders in the great outdoors. We are not typically people who spend a lot of time inside.

As we enter into a new year, we are still spending a lot of time inside due to limits on gatherings and indoor seating. That is not to mention it is too cold in winter to get out and explore the trails and parks. That means there is little break from whatever mess might be in your house. You have probably thought about the benefits of hiring a professional cleaning service before but thought the costs would outweigh the benefits. Now you need the professional cleaning more than ever while you also want to remain budget-conscious until we return to normal. 

Can a professional cleaning service fit into your budget?

That is what we will answer in this article. 

4 Questions To Help Determine if Professional Cleaning Is in Your Budget

These questions will help you decide if professional residential cleaning is worth the cost to you and your family. 

1. Do you have room in your budget?

If there is no room in your budget at all, this might not be the time to bring on a professional cleaning service. If it is going to bring stress into your home and budget, we would recommend waiting until you can factor in the cost of cleaning before considering residential cleaning. Perhaps you just need a cleaning jump-start. You might bring in a professional cleaner to perform a one-time deep clean that will help you get ahead for the future. 

2. Does a dirty house cause stress?

If you have room in your budget, you still may just think you can just clean the house as needed. However, your work and kids’ school does not stop long enough for you to catch back up. The more you feel like you are falling behind, the more you may feel stressed about your house. As your stress about your home increases, you may find yourself a myriad of chain reaction effects, including:

  • Difficulty focusing on work and relationships 
  • Poor diet and exercise habits
  • Reduced performance on a variety of tasks
  • Irritability and potentially depression

If bringing in a professional cleaning company can reduce stress and help you live a healthy and happier life, it may indeed be well worth the cost. 

3. Is your family helping you clean?

Is your family a well-oiled machine when it comes to cleaning the house? Or are they more often contributing to the overall mess? If the former is true, you may still benefit from a little professional assistance. If the latter is true, you absolutely need to bring in the pros. 

4. Does your time have value?

Have you ever thought about how valuable your time is? Your career supervisors have indeed considered the value your time brings to your company. Maybe you are a small business owner that is required to be on call 24/7. If so, you know how important it is to create time margins in your schedule. Does your family enjoy quality time doing dishes and taking out the trash? They probably do not. Think about how valuable your time is, how much you are neglecting your creative projects and hobbies, and in what manner you want to spend time with those who matter most. If you factor that against the minuscule cost of hiring a professional cleaning service, you may find that the benefit far outweighs the budget. 

Asheville Cleaning Company is committed to providing the highest quality professional residential cleaning services to residents of western North Carolina. That means we take your budget seriously and strive to make sure there is not a single penny of it wasted. We have been helping families have clean and stress-reduced homes for many years. We can help you as well. Contact Asheville Cleaning Company to find out more about how our professional cleaning services can fit in your budget.