Easy Cleaning Hacks From Tik Tok We Are Obsessing Over

Easy Cleaning Hacks From Tik Tok We Are Obsessing OverEasy Cleaning Hacks From Tik Tok We Are Obsessing Over

Learning a new cleaning hack is definitely a good feeling. An even better feeling is being able to kick back and relax in your freshly cleaned house.

With a plethora of different types of videos on Tik Tok, it can seem like a daunting task to wade through them all. But there are some amazing cleaning hacks that just need to be shared. We have scoured through Tik Tok to bring you some of our favorite cleaning hacks // We have scrolled through endless videos to share with you some of our favorite cleaning hacks we have added into our spring cleaning routine.

Five Cleaning Tips for Your Home This Spring

  1. Greasy oven or toaster oven got you down? 

Mix equal parts vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap, and an instant foaming reaction will occur. Spread the mixture around and let sit for 12 to 24 hours. We have found that letting it sit overnight makes the process easy and straightforward. Just wipe away after the allotted time, and you will find your oven degreased and sparkling clean.

  1. Have you ever looked underneath your faucet? 

Was the bottom of your faucet covered in a layer of grime? To start, you need white vinegar, a plastic bag, and a rubber band. Put enough vinegar in the plastic bag to cover the bottom of the faucet and attach the bag over the faucet, securing it with the rubber band. Leave to soak for around 20 to 30 minutes.

After removing the bag, take dish soap and an old toothbrush and brush away the grime. The difference is astounding, and now there is no chance for any hard water buildup or grime staining your sink or infiltrating your water.

  1. There are some smells and stains that your washer just can’t get out.

This cleaning hack works for all sorts of fabrics such as curtains, sheets, couch covers, clothes, duvet covers, towels, and the list goes on. You will need ¼ cup of Borax, ¼ cup of baking soda, ½ cup of powdered laundry detergent, and a bathtub.

Fill the tub with hot water and stir in the other ingredients, making sure they fully dissolve. Add in your dirty fabric of choice and make sure that all of it is submerged. Let that soak for around four to five hours, stirring occasionally. The water will be murky (yuck) and dark. Afterward, drain the tub, run your items through a rinse-only cycle in the washer, and tumble dry.

Laundry stripping is used to remove any buildup such as residue from fabric softeners and dryer sheets, minerals from hard water, bacteria, dirt, and general grime from everyday use. This process helps eliminate any lingering odors and leaves your fabrics looking brand new.

  1. Stinky dish disposals, watch out. 

Have you ever gone to wash some dishes, and a very pungent smell overwhelms your senses, and the will to complete those dishes goes straight out the window. This cleaning hack is made for you and is so simple, you most likely already have all the ingredients on hand.

What you do is add plenty of ice cubes to your sink and cut up some fresh lemons, and place them along with the ice. If you don’t have fresh lemons, lemon juice works just as well. Turn the disposal on with no water running and guide the ice down the disposal to help clear any residual food stuck. Then turn on the hot water, and you will see a dark liquid start to emerge, and the ice will finally clear down the drain.

An added bonus is that the ice also sharpens the disposal blades. The lemon will leave your sink smelling refreshed just in time for the spring.

  1. It’s stainless steel, not stained steel.

Stainless steel can get covered with fingerprints, smudges, and water stains pretty easily. This quick tip will leave your stainless steel sparkling in no time.

This trick requires a lime (or two, depending on how many surfaces you plan to clean) and baking soda; that’s it. Cut the lime in half and pour some baking soda into a shallow dish. Dip the cut edge into the baking soda and rub the surface with the fruit. Make sure you are going in the direction of the stainless steel. Continue to scrub, grabbing more baking soda as needed. Rinse with warm water, and you are finished.

Asheville Cleaning Company

These are just a couple of handy cleaning hacks that will help freshen up your home just in time for spring cleaning. The team at Asheville Cleaning Company are experts when it comes to spring cleaning. The team will work with you to create a personalized cleaning plan that fits your specific needs. We all deserve clean air, clean spaces, and great smelling natural scents. Let us handle the tough stuff while you enjoy the warmer weather that spring brings. Call or text us for more information about our methods at (828) 771-6320. We would love to hear from you!