Winter Home Cleaning Tips

Winter just started here in the Asheville area, but we have already experienced a significant snowfall event in the French Broad River Valley. A white Christmas was experienced by residents throughout western North Carolina, not just those who live in the high elevations in Haywood County and along the Tennessee border. 

Asheville typically receives about a foot of snow annually, but there can be substantial differences from year to year and with elevation. Even in downtown Asheville, snow can fall first in late October with the last flakes not flying until March and April. Some years, residents are watching the forecasts and the windows hoping for a glimpse of winter weather. Other winters, people are ready for the cold and dark to end before the New Year. 

When you are cooped up inside due to the snow, cold, or for the sake of social distancing, you may be keenly aware of the mess inside your house. For most families, that mess will cause stress that no one wants or needs. Here are 8 tips for keeping your house clean all winter long. 

8 Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean During Winter

1) Vacuum as Often as Possible

Winter is a time when residents of the area spend more time indoors. If you have pets, they are also inside more often during the cold months. That means fur, skin cells, dust, and dirt are piling up on the floor even more than usual. If you vacuum two to the times a week typically, you may have to do it daily or twice daily during winter. Besides the uncleanliness, dirt particles can damage the fibers of your carpets and rugs.

2) Declutter Often 

For the person who values order and organization, it is almost cruel that the long dark days of winter follow the holidays. All the new gifts come in boxes and wrapping paper that can become a mountain to clear. Then, you still have all the new stuff taking up space. Try to find the items you no longer use or need and declutter even before spring cleaning begins.

3) Designate a Mudroom 

You may already have a mud or utility room. If you do, make sure your family knows how to use it. Otherwise, designate an area your household understands is the place where snowy and muddy items must go. This will help prevent the mud outside from becoming a disaster in your home.

4) Enlist Help With Cleaning

You may feel like if you want the cleaning done right you must do it yourself, but you may be heading too much pressure on yourself. You are just one person trying to keep up with the messes of many. If they helped make the mess, get your family to commit to helping clean it.

5) Replace Air Filter and Clean Dryer Vents

You may not notice poor indoor air quality when you spend much of your time outside your house, but during winter, you will be subject to it more. Make sure you change your air filters regularly so your family can breathe more easily. 

While you are at it, make sure you clean out your dryer vents and perform other routine cleaning maintenance tasks. 

6) Do Not Fall Behind

Winter is not the right season for falling behind on cleaning. If it begins to pile up, you may feel like it is an impossible mountain to climb. This will incite unwelcome stress into your life.

7) Clean Your Windows and Glass

This is the season of low light. If you want to brighten your place, you can start by cleaning the windows, allowing more sunlight to shine.

8) Bring in the Cleaning Professionals

If you really want a clean home during the winter, you should consider calling in the professional. Cleaning services are more cost-effective than you may realize, and they can help reduce more stress than you might have believed.

If you are prone to stress when spaces are cluttered and unclean, you need to bring in the professional team at Asheville Cleaning Company. Our residential cleaning experts can help you have a neat and tidy home during the season in which you are inside the most. Whether you need a one-time jumpstart or an ongoing arrangement, Asheville Cleaning Company is your answer. Contact us for more information about cleaning your home in the Asheville area.