Disinfecting your home during flu season

During this time of year we are inside a lot, the windows are closed, we are carrying germs around our home and office more, air is’t flowing as well and it can get a bit stuffy. This is a good time of year to get your home disinfected with our natural, non-toxic cleaners that kill bacteria, viruses, mildew and mold. We can include spraying and wiping door knobs, banisters, remote controls and things that are touched frequently. Also a good wiping down of all surfaces and thorough vacuuming can help with the air quality. There is nothing like coming home and smelling the essential oils we use in the air and seeing and feeling the difference after a good cleaning! Get in touch with us to schedule a disinfecting clean. Mention this blog and receive 10% off!

Does using non-toxic cleaning solutions really make a difference?

When you go to the store, be it Target or your local grocery store, you will likely see row after row of single-use bottles and cleaning products inside that are not exactly healthy to breathe in. Why are these products sold and used so often? Because it makes it easy on the consumer when cleaning their home (instead of non-toxic which takes a little more elbow grease) to spray something on, let it do the work and just wipe away.

If you ask anyone who has switched over from using toxic materials to using materials like vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, homemade all-purpose solutions, etc. they will tell you they felt a lot better during and after cleaning. These toxic cleaning solutions are not only harmful to your body but they go down the drain and into the soil. Your pets also inhale them at no fault of their own.


Allergies!!! A fresh cleaning could help….

Allergies this Spring have been brutal for many. A fresh cleaning could help control the allergens in your home. We can’t control the pollen count outside but a regular cleaning of the built up dust, pet dander, mold (!!) and pollen that has made it’s way in could really help. Our vacuums have HEPA filters and powerful suction.

Many homes contain allergens on their floors, furniture and other surfaces and dust is the #1 trigger for allergy symptoms and asthma. Regular vacuuming helps keep dust mites at bay! But it must be with a HEPA vacuum so that small particles are trapped in the vacuum and not the air you breath. Here are some other tips:

1. Wash your linens once a week. 2. Use chemical free cleaning products only. 3. Bathe your pet once a week and keep your cat boxes clean. 4. Mold spores float in the air […]

Book your holiday cleaning appointment!

Call Asheville Cleaning Company today to book your holiday cleaning appointment!

The holidays are an exciting time and there is always so much to do!  Sometimes, the general upkeep of our homes falls to the wayside.  Oftentimes, we host family and friends for the holidays and put cleaning on our list, only to scramble last minute to get it all done. We are here to help you get your home in tip top shape! We use all natural products and essential oils so your home won’t smell like cleaning chemicals-only the delicious food you are making!

Take some of the stress of the holiday out of your life.

Our schedule is quickly filling up so call us today at 828-771-6320.

Happy Holidays from Asheville Cleaning Company!

-We are a local, green, living wage small business here to make your life easier.


ACC’s cleaning tip of the day!

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We here at Asheville Cleaning Company would like to share some tricks of the trade that we’ve learned over the years.

Here’s a tip:

Don’t throw those old toothbrushes away!  Use them to clean hard to reach spots like around sinks, in grout, even on mucky baseboards and window ledges.

-From your friends at Asheville Cleaning Company