9 Back to School Cleaning Tips for Busy Families

It may be summer now, but school is just around the corner. Getting back to the daily routine of bringing kids to and from school, sports practice, etc., can be a bit tough. Establishing a cleaning routine in the middle of all of the hectic life that happens, especially at the beginning of the school year, is not always ideal.

Nine Tips To Get Your Cleaning Up to Speed

With the school year coming up, you have probably got your work cut out for you after a long school-free summer, so here are a few tips to get you started!

1. Start a Cleaning Checklist

Getting organized is the best way to get the school year started. Life happens, and over the summer break, homes can get much dirtier than through the school year. Your kids have likely spent a lot more time at home, and there is little time to take care of many cleaning tasks.

Start by walking around your home and making a list of everything that needs to be cleaned. From under the bed to inside wardrobes, organizing a checklist from most important to least important not only helps put a plan together, but allows you to set benchmarks and deadlines.

2. Get Rid of Excessive Clutter

Kids are a lot of things, but more often than not, cleanliness is not a typical strength. Children are great at hoarding things, especially old toys and outgrown clothing. Now is a great time to go through closets and storage bins. Sit down with your children and make them choose the things they want to keep and what they no longer use.

With clothing, get rid of any clothing that they have outgrown or never worn. Not only will you save on storage space, but you will also cut down on laundry.

3. Establish School Year Cleanliness Standards

It is easy to get lazy over the summer. Let’s be real. Summertime should be spent outside exploring nature or having fun with friends, not spending every waking moment worrying about schoolwork and other types of work. Sure, the house needs to be clean, but kids also need that freedom to explore.

As the school year approaches, now is the time to start setting expectations for cleanliness throughout the house. Whether it be for you or you and your children, in conjunction with the checklist, begin doling out a chore list to be completed each week.

Set clear standards, and hold your children accountable to them.

4. Make Cleaning Fun

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a miserable chore. Sure, it works, and that will never change. However, you would be surprised how willing children will be to join in to help when cleaning is fun.

To make cleaning fun, look for ways to make chores more enjoyable and rewarding. Gamify cleaning, hold competitions or races. Throw on fun music or a favorite tv show to help pass the time.

5. Clean Out the Fridge

The family fridge is often a disaster area after a long summer. Take the time to dig through your fridge and freezer and get it back to par with the rest of the cleanliness of your home. Check use-by dates, and throw away expired products. Now is also a good time to dump any unhealthy foods that have been sitting around.

Develop a new shopping list filled with healthy, energy-rich foods that will help your children readjust to life back at school. You will thank us later.

While you are waiting for your Instacart order to show up, sanitize your fridge with a solution of water and white vinegar or sanitizer spray. You can also remove odors by placing a cup of baking soda at the back of the fridge.

6. Set Up a Homework Station

By creating a safe space for your child to get homework done, they will be more likely to take care of it. Make sure that there is plenty of necessary supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and whatever else your student will need. Throw in a nice bright lamp and a comfy desk or seating area, and their homework station will encourage focus and productivity.

7. Encourage Daily Cleaning Habits

Encourage your family members to develop simple daily cleaning habits. This could include making the bed in the morning, wiping down kitchen surfaces after meals, and tidying up before bedtime. Consistency with these habits will help maintain a cleaner home throughout the school year.

8. Organize Your Laundry Routine

Streamline your laundry routine by designating specific days for different types of laundry. Have separate baskets for lights and darks, and involve your children in sorting and folding their clothes. Teaching them to be responsible for their laundry will lighten the load for you and instill valuable life skills.

9. Work With a Housekeeper

One of the best ways to get started taking better care of your home as the school year approaches is by hiring a housekeeper. A regularly scheduled cleaning service will be able to ensure that your home is cleaned professionally while also saving time that you and your family would otherwise lose to cleaning up the house yourselves.

Asheville Cleaning Company – We Are Here To Help

We know how hard it is to stay on top of your house cleaning throughout the school year, and that is why we are here to help. We offer several residential cleaning services, from one-time top-to-bottom cleaning or regular cleaning routine.

To book a cleaning, get a free estimate, or find out more information about Asheville Cleaning Company, contact us today! It is our pleasure to help you keep your home or business clean.