Should I Hire Professionals to Clean My Restaurant?

In the bustling world of restaurants, ensuring a clean and inviting front-of-house (FOH) environment is essential to creating a positive dining experience for customers. The responsibility of maintaining a pristine FOH area often falls on the restaurant staff, but the question arises:

Should a restaurant hire a cleaning company for front-of-house cleaning? In this post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing FOH cleaning and why hiring a professional cleaning company might be a smart decision for restaurant owners.

How Much Does It Cost to Clean a Restaurant?

Restaurant cleaning is not a question when it comes to your business. As people walk through the doors of your establishment, they notice everything and then go on to use the power of social media and review sites to either praise or trash your business. Not only that, but a dirty restaurant puts patrons at risk for foodborne illness, which can lead to health department violations, fines, or even the closure of your business.

How a Clean Workplace Boosts Productivity

Cleaning and sanitizing your office might not seem like a top concern, but it is. More than ever, workplace cleanliness and wellness are starting to be given top priority by both clients and staff. There are many places for viruses, dirt, dust, and grime to creep in and go undetected, even if you don’t think your office is unclean.

What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

In 1908, Anna Jarvis established Mother’s Day. The holiday was set aside to celebrate moms and make them feel loved and appreciated by their families.

In order to encourage the celebration, the greeting card and flower industries began a national campaign to promote their sales of cards dedicated to expressing love for all mothers: birth mothers, adoptive mothers, grandmothers, and friends who acted as substitute mothers.

Over time, cards were not enough, and gifts were purchased to show mothers how much they were loved and appreciated. But as time went on, the gifts became the same every year. There are many resources now to help people choose more personal gifts for their moms.