House Cleaning Tips for Animal Lovers

Staying on top of house cleaning can be a challenge, and for those who have indoor pets, it can be even more difficult. Statistics show that approximately seventy percent of US households, or 90.5 million families, have at least one pet. Of these 90.5 million, 69 million are dog owners, and 45 million are cat owners. The percentage of those who own pets has increased steadily over the years.

This increase may be due to the many benefits of pet ownership on mental and physical well-being. Having a furry friend can reduce stress, lower heart rate, and blood pressure, increase social support, lead to improved physical health, and can even help children develop better emotional and social skills.

While the benefits of having a pet are clear, caring for a pet is also a huge responsibility and requires both time and money. Although there are some types of cats and dogs that do not shed, a majority do, which means regular sweeping and vacuuming are a must.

It is astounding how quickly pet hair can build up over a short period of time. Hair also tends to stick to surfaces like furniture and clothing.

10 House Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

Professional house cleaners have the tools needed to effectively rid your home of pet hair and pet dander and to make the pet smells disappear. Here are some tips for cleaning up after your pets:

1. Invest in a Grooming Attachment for Your Vacuum

This is a great way to remove excess fur and allergens from your pet’s coat in between visits to the groomer. By using this tool on your pet, you can prevent the hair and dander from getting all over the house in the first place.

2. Wipe Your Paws

Even when the weather is less than ideal, dogs still love to be outdoors. Unfortunately, when they come back inside, they often track mud, dirt and leaves inside with them. To stop them from leaving dirty paw prints all over your home, it’s important to wipe their paws as soon as they come in.

This can be accomplished with wipes, but dirtier paws may require a rinse in the bathtub. Alternative methods for cleaning paws include portable paw cleaners, a dog paw cleaner mat, or a dog cleaning mitt.

3. Cover Your Furniture with Easy Care Throws

If you allow your pet to get on the furniture, consider covering couches and beds with easy-care throws. When they get dirty, just toss them in the washing machine. This makes cleanup much easier and also prevents wear and tear on your comforters and furniture.

4. Use Lint Rollers

Lint rollers are a quick way to remove hair from surfaces and from clothing. Rubber gloves are another effective tool for picking up pet hair and can be washed off in the sink after use.

5. Invest in a Robotic Vacuum

There are a number of robotic vacuums on the market, including many that are specially designed to pick up pet hair. These vacuums can be programmed to run at certain times, and many have additional features such as mopping or avoiding objects.

6. Purchase a Washable Pet Bed

Even though it may be tempting to spend less money by purchasing a pet bed that can’t be washed, it is worth the investment to buy a bed that can be tossed in the washing machine or one with a removable cover.

7. Utilize the Upholstery Attachment

Most vacuums come with an upholstery attachment, which is another good way to remove pet hair from your furniture, so you don’t get hair on your clothes every time you sit down on the couch.

8. Get an Air Purifier with a HEPA Filter

HEPA (or High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters trap pollutants like dust, pet dander, and pollen and prevent them from being recirculated into the air. They can also help reduce or eliminate odors.

9. DIY Cleaning Solution

One of the most effective cleaners for pet stains and odors can be made with products you likely have on hand. Combine vinegar and baking soda for a spot cleaner that absorbs unwanted smells and removes stains.

10. Let Professionals Help!

If cleaning up after your pet is causing you stress, thus counteracting the benefits of pet ownership, consider hiring a professional cleaning company. Not only do they have the best tools for the job, but they will work with you to meet your needs.

Hire Asheville Cleaning Company

At Asheville Cleaning Company, we have been in business for ten years, and we have learned how to effectively combat pet hair and rid your home of the odors and allergens that come with pet ownership.

Hiring a house cleaner is simple, and Asheville Cleaning Company will partner with you to make your home a more clean and more comfortable place for you and your guests. To book a cleaning, get a free estimate or find out more information about Asheville Cleaning Company, contact us.