Easy Cleaning Hacks From Tik Tok We Are Obsessing Over

Easy Cleaning Hacks From Tik Tok We Are Obsessing Over

Learning a new cleaning hack is definitely a good feeling. An even better feeling is being able to kick back and relax in your freshly cleaned house.

With a plethora of different types of videos on Tik Tok, it can seem like a daunting task to wade through them all. But there are some amazing cleaning hacks that just need to be shared. We have scoured through Tik Tok to bring you some of our favorite cleaning hacks // We have scrolled through endless videos to share with you some of our favorite cleaning hacks we have added into our spring cleaning routine. Continue reading

What is Green Cleaning?

What is Green Cleaning?

Many of us strive to be sustainable in all areas of our lives, but a commonly overlooked area is the cleaning products that we use in our home every day. Some of the most popular cleaning products on the market are not doing our health any favors and certainly not benefiting the environment. Another part of green cleaning is cleaning your home with reduced waste and energy.  Continue reading

Deep Cleaning Done Right Naturally

To help you kick off spring cleaning, start with celebrating National Cleaning Week! Mark your calendar for the fourth week of March; National Cleaning Week starts Sunday, March 28th, to April 3rd. Spring always feels like a fresh start after the long winter months of cold weather. The best way to get a fresh start is to start with a clean environment. This will allow for a clear head, lower stress levels, and more positive moods. 

International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) tells us, “National Cleaning Week celebrates the value of clean and the important and positive impact cleaning has on public health, the environment, and our economy.”  Continue reading

General House Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning

Everybody knows a clean house is a happy house. But sometimes, there is simply not enough time to properly clean your space. That is when professional house cleaners come to save the day. But, you might not know what to expect or exactly what services your money is paying for. 

Typically all cleaning companies offer deep cleaning and general routine cleaning. If it is your first time hiring a house cleaning service, you will most likely be required to start off with an initial deep cleaning session. This is to create a baseline to bring your home back to the same level when scheduled for general cleaning.  Continue reading

Tips For Environmental Cleaning For Your Vacation Home

There is an increasing number of travelers who are choosing vacation rentals instead of hotels. However, their expectations don’t differ when it comes to cleanliness. If you own a rental vacation home, you might want to consider hiring a professional cleaning service. Staying on top of all those rental property cleaning tasks can be a hassle for those who want to conquer the cleaning themselves. You should stay away from commercial cleaning products because they are harmful to the environment. These products lead to air pollution and waste. Here are 14 tips for environmental cleaning alternatives for cleaning your vacation home. Continue reading